More Tweakies :)

Creeping Crustacians Batman, things have been busy today.

Well, I’ve managed to get the table structure for P3 lined up and i’ve got about 50% of the screens dumied on paper (control flow only, I figure it’s more important to worry about if the screens are gonna be useful and quick to operate at this stage than exact layout 🙂 ).

I’ve had a couple of emails detailing loss of images – that’s now fixed, anyone that was thinking their diary looked a bit bare, it should be back to its imaged up glory now 🙂

I also had another couple of emails saying that adding comments wasn’t working. Many thanks to one reader of many diaries for taking the time out to actually see what conditions caused it and what didn’t. Her research saved a few minutes of my time and enabled me to go swiftly from sorting one problem out to going in and fixing that one. The problem, for those interested was if you went in via show/diaries (or via the front screen Top Ten display) you wouldn’t be able to add comments, any other condition and you would.

I’ve disabled the ‘Hits’ reports for the moment, the new version of the software is causing our machine no end of problems. It looks like some scaleability issue that worked one way on Steves development box works entirely the other way around on the much much faster live machine, and dynamically generating each of those buttons all the time is turning out to be extremely costly.

As such, I would like to apologise if the system appears slow at any time. We are working on finding a solution to the problem as quickly as we can and keeping an eye on the machine as much as possible to make sure it doesn’t wind itself up its own…. you fill in the blank 🙂

Ok I think that covers the last couple of hours worth of frantic fixing and worrying for a while 🙂

Oh! We have even had a couple of people exclaiming how much they like the new look and feel – and having changed the colours from shocking pink to the new minty green earlier on, one of the other readers told me she was now a lot happier with the site 🙂 hehehe. Making progress!

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