Top Ten Diaries Offline

The Top Ten Diaries is offline presently because the query (amongst a couple of others) was killing the system. It needs redesigning to be more MySQL friendly (which is bizarre, but MySQL really chugs on some queries on the entries tables now)

I think ADM jokingly said in one of his entries – maybe there are too many diaries on the system – in a way its true, the problem is that the entries table has become so huge that any query that joins to it really needs to be seriously optimized otherwise it goes nuts. Anyway, we’re getting there


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  1. How would it affect the system if the voting option was put back in, and the top ten was a result of votes rather than the query that is currently running?

  2. Are we overdue for another IT chat? 🙂

    Give me a large enough DB schema and I’ll move the world!

    IT Data Warehousing Dude
    "Queries are my business"

  3. Uh….. Yeah.. What Steve said.. You go, boy-yeeeeee.. I’ll pretend that I understand and smile and nod. Just be over here, cheering for you from the sidelines..

  4. A few administrative headaches could be avoided by getting rid of the Top Ten Diaries altogether.

    You could replace it with a highly visible link to, perhaps, the Hot Topic for the Day in the forums.

  5. I second Lightmiracle. Do we need a popularity contest? I rarely look at the Top Ten diaries anyway, since I read only English and a little French, and half of them are in languages I can’t even identify (yes, I know; I’m so American!). Anyway, I think it’s a feature I wouldn’t miss.

    How about a slightly longer list of "just updated" entries instead?


  6. I second Lightmiracle. Do we need a popularity contest? I rarely look at the Top Ten diaries anyway, since I read only English and a little French, and half of them are in languages I can’t even identify (yes, I know; I’m so American!). Anyway, I think it’s a feature I wouldn’t miss.

    How about a slightly longer list of "just updated" entries instead?


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