Migration Was Broken

Someone wrote to me somewhere, but I can’t find the message now so I apologise for not having responded directly. However, the message indicated that the migration system was broken, because users were being told that their username already existed on the new system when in fact it did not. This was due to a…

Posting New Entries Is Bugged

I’m aware that when you post a new entry (and possibly modify an existing one?) the screen that comes up afterwards merely contains a seemingly random number… This isn’t happening on my test system and I was under the (perhaps mistaken) impression that my codebases were exactly the same on both systems… But clearly something…

New DearDiary Software

Those of you who’ve been here a while will notice that the site has changed considerably… Those people who’ve been involved in the Facebook group ‘Future of DearDiary.Net’ will not be overly surprised at this, but other people may be… If you wish to continue using the old site, please go to www.deardiary.org instead –…

Sorry to Panic!

Eliezer raised an important privacy issue in a comment on my previous entry. One which I'd never really thought of in too much depth but one that is entirely valid. Having looked into the issue of Plus account holders 'Friends Only' diaries suddenly becoming public when I run the expiry scripts for the first time…

Plus Account Expiry

I've noticed (with some help from someone!) that the Plus account expiry system hasn't been running. It's probably been that way for some considerable time, at least since last time we moved servers. Which would explain why we haven't had many renewals recently – and why the budget is suffering as badly as it is!…

To clear up confusion

Hello all,       There's been some concern that the Facebook group 'Future of DearDiary Discussion' may mean that DearDiary is going away. That is not true – DearDiary.Net is not going away, but it will (at some point – I've been promising this for at least 5 years!) be changing in the future….

Opening Up For Testing

I have today decided that I’m happy for people to begin having a play on the site as it stands. Presently there’s an enormous amount of work to do, and there’s a lot of core DD functionality that needs to be replicated here. There’s an enormous amount of things that need to be tested too….

New Discussion Group For Future of DD

Hi everyone,      I've created a new discussion group for the Future of DearDiary.Net on Facebook. Given that most people couldn't figure out Google Groups too easily, and just about everyone has a Facebook account, I figured I might as well utilise their technology instead 🙂 So please visit http://www.facebook.com/groups/ddfuture/ and we can begin discussing…

Spam Diary Eradication

Hi all,      Firstly, I apologise if you've written to me requesting a new diary since I closed off the new user creation facility – I haven't created any new diaries as I've been overrun with school work and 3 babies under 2 years old 🙂 Feeble excuse but I'm sticking to it. The positive…