Answer to a Question

Someone posed the following question in a comment: Where does your responsibilty end with children that are disclosing abusive situtions on your site? I know of other sites where they have to report, via ISP numbers or the information is given to Cyber Angels or Net Detective or one of those such organisations. I am…

Hits – pt 2

Damselita asks : All my hits for the last couple of days are “unresolved”. Is that part of the new deal? Blessings! We’ve dropped the unresolved processing back to once a day, it too was causing a bit of a nasty load on the server. Hopefully everything will have caught up again by tomorrow when…


Just a quick update – the hits are now being updated in a bulk update that happens once an hour. Hits therefore should be keeping up to date now – let us know if yours don’t change! In other news, Openfiction 1.5 is now online – go to the openfiction1 diary to read what’s new…

Databases and things

I’ve made some tweaks to the database, and Matt made some tweaks to how the hits system works now, so that in theory, the system should be able to work a bit better for the people that deserve it, ie you guys reading this! Its a temporary step. The server is overloaded and we’re running…

Oh My Word!

Or, oh my database. Many of you may have noticed that the service in the evenings (for Americans, earlyish morning for Aussies and lateish for us Europeans) is less than optimal. In some cases it just refuses to work altogether. You may see ‘sorry, the server is too busy to process your request’ in a…

Chat Time

When do you think would be a good time for us to have a Dear Diary Get-Together on IRC? I mentioned a few days back that we’ve created a Dalnet IRC channel (#atomicsystems) so let us know your thoughts… We want to try and come up with TWO times in the week where we can…