For those with access to IRC i’ve created an IRC channel for us. #atomicsystems Just log in to DALnet and type: /join #atomicsystems It’s there permanently now so join it and see if anyone is about. It’d be nice to meet you all. My nick is ‘DDMatt’. This is not a replacement for the chat…


One point that I feel needs firm and definite clarification because the wrong thing might be read out of my ‘little whine’ above – we’ve just had a support mail in asking this question so I want to be doubly sure that nobody else gets the same thought: ‘I hope that you arent considering shutting…

Cristens Reply

Cristen posed a question to us that I feel we should answer formally, since our standpoint on the subscriber mechanism is apparently not clear. Cristens words: What’s up with the premium subscriber thing? It makes some users feel more valuable than others. Before it was equality…everyone’s diary was the same. Now the subscribers get special…

Matt's response :)

I’m posting this as an entry because Matt asked for it, and he’s less of a fiery temper driven twit than I am, so perhaps this helps the politically sensitive who will no doubt have objected to my last entry 🙂 Hi Danielle, Many questions! I’ll try and answer them all as best as I…

How to find a User ID

Just a quick addendum to Steve’s entry detailing the cool new photo site we’ve brought on (even if I do say so myself, but that’s ok, cos it’s mostly Steve’s work 🙂 ). If you want to find someone’s user id (or your own, for that matter) then you should do look at the URL…

AtomIC Album Online

Whilst not exactly a DearDiary announcement, this is to let people know that the AtomIC Album is now online, after days of last minute development and testing. Its cost a fortune, but it came out on time and on budget (mostly cos we didn’t have a deadline and definitely no budget ;-)) Also, as a…

New Subscription Methods

Just a quick update: We’ve brought online the other two payment methods supported by our authorised sales agent, IBill – This means that you can now pay in one of three ways: Credit Card (Visa/Mastercard) Online Check (US Banks only) 1-900 Phone Number (US Only) The 900 number works by just charging your phone the…