Call For Comments

Work has begun on DearDiary 3.0, the long awaited upgrade to the site. However, in considering the radical changes to the site, and the overblown amounts of cruft that DD2.x has laying around, I have almost decided that with the introduction of DD3.0, it its likely that we will destroy everyone’s current diary configuration. I…

Return of Reader Comments

Changes to the way Public Email addresses are dealt with has enabled the reader comments to return. Unfortunately its not without some level of pain for people. The problem was that anyone could change their Public Email address in their profile with no validation that the email address actually belonged to them. The pain is…

Database Errors

I restarted the database only to discover it had eaten itself, or more specifically its access permissions. For a while it wouldn’t come up at all, and then when it did, none of the scripts could connect because the access control lists were gone… These are now restored so everything should be working, but if…

Planned Downtime

We are moving the server onto a machine thats got faster hard disks and more of them… In theory this shouldn’t take long, but we all know the wild difference between theory and practise 😉 So. A heads up, the site will be going down fairly shortly (once I am satisfied that other sites…

Reader Comment Saga

As most of you are probably aware, the Reader Comments subsystem is presently disabled – here’s a brief explanation of why, without giving too many details. We’ve received a few emails from people that aren’t quite clear on what the problem actually was, saying that people should only allow authenticated comments if they’re having problems…

Unprecedented Disaster

Yesterdays system administration efforts were an unprecedented disaster and caused a significant unplanned downtime, for which we sincerely apologise. It had been intended to move a couple of unrelated web sites from the server that runs DearDiary, to another server. However, for some odd reason, which is still as yet unknown, doing so caused the…