Look and Feel

Just a quickie to continue on from yesterdays’ entry – having moved the headers and footers out to their own separate code module I was quite quickly and smoothly able to bring the look and feel to the editor screens and to the new customisation screens. I think that we can officially proclaim the green…

Bits and Bobs

I didn’t get much time to work on it but I did get some odd little bits done. We’ve got the menu bar starting to come to life now and support is in the diary configuration file so that users can have their own links in the menu bar. There were some other minor cleaning…


Progress on the code moves along slowly at the moment, such is the nature of the week, hopefully i’ll be able to make atleast a little progress in the evenings and at the weekend. Until then, it’s a planning exercise and a dreaming exercise to try and decide what to do and where to go….