Ongoing IBill Saga

We have re-established our subscription page with IBill, due to them having removed the charity donation box (if you dont know what I am talking about then you havent tried to subscribe in the last few weeks :)). For those that dont know, our credit card processing agent, IBill, decided on a Friday evening to…

Same named diaries?

Rosebud, you left a support request as a comment. Consider yourself lucky that I’m even looking at it 🙂 There is only one way a diary can have the same name as someone elses, and thats if the first user has requested their account be deleted. It is not possible to have two diaries co-exist…


Due to the increased numbers of users who can’t seem to make up their minds, I have implemented ‘User Name Changing Facilities’ in the update user screen… If you wish to change your username, please click the Personal link in the Members Button Bar and enter the new name of your choice. Beware, it might…

New service

AtomIC Systems are proud to announce AtMail – AtomIC Mail. Many of you have asked about how to access your e-mail, and many of you have expressed an interest in being able to pick up DearDiary.Net email via the web, from AtomIC Systems. Well, now you can. In order to receive mail to…

MOO now running.

For anyone that remembers, and those that don’t but fancy learning or playing, we are now running a MOO on 8888 Please note, the MOO is there purely as a bit of fun, is completely unsupported, might not always be available, may drop you unexpectedly (its not running on the main server), may be…


Someone has alerted me to the fact that people don’t seem to be able to find the forums system any more!! Here is my suggestion, as posted on the forum; If you want a quick and easy way to find your way to the forums, bookmark (or add to favorites since most people are on…

The thot plickens…

This, is what my logfiles tell me about the initial cause of the problem.. > Security Violations > =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > Jan 9 14:23:41 linux1741 sendmail[26797]: rejecting connections on daemon MTA: load average: 38 > Jan 9 14:23:43 linux1741 sendmail[26797]: rejecting connections on daemon MSA: load average: 44 > Jan 9 14:23:58 linux1741 sendmail[26797]: rejecting connections…

OK, its back

And as you can see from the autochosen date, its past midnight here in the UK… I don’t yet know what caused the initial crash, and I may never know, sometimes software just goes belly up. But the initial data loss was caused by indexes being invalid and MySQL not alerting me to the fact…