20,000 Public Diaries!

Good heavens! 20,000 public diaries now available to be read! I’ve noticed also that the number of diaries updated in the last week and 24 hours has dramatically increased too!! Thanks for choosing DearDiary.Net to write at – keep up the good work folks, lets chronicle history through the eyes of the normal (heh!) person!…

Muppet clarification

I don’t want to hear complaints about entries, or comments that predate these entries. I won’t retrospectively en-act new ‘laws’ (despite that they’ve been laws since the beginning of the site!) because I don’t have the energy or the time to dissect who might be the person in the ‘right’ in an argument. My judgement…

DearDiary 3.0

Work officially began on the long awaited DearDiary 3.0 software. Matt’s busy on other projects (one’s that actually enable this server to be paid for these days, so we won’t stop him!) so DD3 is all down to me… Don’t hold your breath, but I shall be working on it flat out and will be…

Addendum to AtMail

In case anyone has been having trouble with those blasted transparent caching proxies (ie, if you made a change to something and returned later to find an old, stale page instead then you were probably the victim of a proxy) I have made some changes to AtMail as part of this build which should reduce…

More AtMail Upgrades.

AtMail now has folder (we call them pigeon holes) support, so you can organize your mail better. Create a folder to keep your mails from your family, another one to keep your mails from friends, another to keep those from that affiliate program you joined, etc etc. Premium Account holders can have as many folders…

AtMail Updates

AtMail (http://atmail.atomic-systems.com) now has address book functionality. If you’re a Premium Account holder there is no limit to the number of addresses your address book can contain, whereas non Premium Account holders are limited to (at present) 15 addresses. More features are proposed for AtMail, so watch this space!! Steve.