Threatening Behaviours

Its come to my attention that a number of people who have diaries here have been threatened by, perhaps one, perhaps more people, that their ’employers’ will be contacted. I’m not sure on what grounds these employers would be contacted, especially since the various people threatened are among the more sensible users of this system…

Updates to AtMail

Just in case anyone is using AtMail ( there’s been some upgrades this week enabling it to finally (I hope!) deal with attachments correctly. Another frequently requested upgrade was hotlinking of embedded email addresses and web URL’s which is now incorporated. The hotlinking will be incorporating into the forthcoming DearDiary 3.0 software as well… In…

Database Issues again

You may have noticed that although the server hasn’t been crashing over the last few days, it has been giving the good old ‘Unable to Connect to Database’ error, or possibly Internal Server Error’s. This was due to a misconfiguration of the PHP module and the database, which is now sorted. Hopefully that’ll be the…


We were alerted to a spurious database error by (many) email(s) about an hour ago. Checking the database revealed that it crashed, probably due to out of memory on the server, so something isn’t happy – but we’ll get to the bottom of that later. Judging by the number of panic entries on the Recent…


Is back… It uses a distributed system to perform the queries, so there may be times when the search system is down even though the rest of the site is functioning perfectly. That should get less and less as we bring more servers online (presently there’s only one :)). But after much swearing and hacking,…

Deleting Cookies.

You’re seeing the stale cookie more than once? You’re using IE? Choose Tools, Internet Options, Settings, View Files. You’ll get a windows explorer window come up. Click the ‘Internet Address’ header twice (or until the arrow points upwards), then look for the file that starts with cookie: and has in it. Select the file,…

Reader Comments Wonky

I’ve had reports of Add Reader Comment not working like it should. Most notably it seemingly chooses a random diary to actually do the addition. I’m not totally sure why this is, but I have put some extra tweaks in place to ensure the integrity of the comments system and I hope it’ll kick it…

AtomIC Album Upgrade

I have rapidly upgraded the AtomIC Album to accept and display GIF images. Please note that due to licensing costs, we can do NO manipulation of the image if it is a GIF, so even if you specify the thumbnail option in your Album code, the image will remain full sized. If you wish to…

Graphics Not Working?

Its come to light that rather more people than expected were using the /userdata/username/images URL to show pictures in their diaries, judging by the amount of email we’re getting on the subject. The URL format has never been advertised as the way to show graphics in your diary, as, indeed, its only intended to store…

IBill, the full story

I suddenly realised, that probably almost nobody knows what actually went on with the IBill thing… So here is a link to another news article on one of our other sites (which takes a lot more subscribers and caught a lot more people out). This entry is largely in answer to Salamander’s comment about ‘nice…