System Upgrade Completed

The system has completed its upgrade to Build 2.1, this is a compatibility release to allow us to advance our other websites and continue our plans to integrate all future sites together at some level. The upgrade didn’t go as smoothly as hoped, but merely in a technical manner – there was no danger to…

All the Old Stuff

This is a copy of all the information that used to be under the ‘News’ link, we’re moving it here so that it is still available. We’re deleting that old link and then making sure that any reference to ‘News’ points to this diary, as this is now considered the official source of all updates…

New ways to link

A new feature made its way onto the DearDiary system a few days ago. We’ve kept it quiet until now to make sure it was working properly, but given that its taken about 2000 pages a day and we’ve not heard any nasty comments into support we might as well officially announce it… Though those…


Apologies. A coding glitch has meant that adverts have been inadvertantly appearing on users diaries if the right conditions were met, despite our assurance here. I’m actually surprised that no-one complained, but anyway, no-one did so perhaps you all don’t mind them as much as you said you did a while back! But either way,…


Please note, we’re not laying the law down here, these are our thoughts and feelings and perhaps some suggestions. The number of requests going to the abuse address seems to be on the rise and while we are not saying don’t email us – after all, the abuse address is there for a very good…

Ad creepage.

Some people, those who are awake at least, may have noticed that there is an advert banner on the front page. We decided to do this for a couple of reasons, firstly, it takes up less space than the logo (LOL, thats pathetic isn’t it?)… Ok, the real reason, we’re still losing a buttload of…


I broke it all during an upgrade to try to get PHP and MySQL to stop barfing over each other. Turns out its a GLIBC bug as a suspected. Anyway, for those non-techie of you, its fixed and should work properly… You can tell this because I am able to login and do an update…