HamiPiks is back!

I’ve now managed to get everything downloaded and updated so that HamiPiks is now back up and working – I’ve tested uploads and thumbnailing but if you come across anything that’s not working please drop me a line! Next is OpenFiction and then a new front screen for HamiMail letting people know what’s going on…

A number of odd problems

First, if you’re using Chinese BIG5 character encoding don’t post anything at the moment – something is wrong and it won’t save your message properly. I need to investigate what has gone wrong there and at the moment I don’t have any idea. Hamipiks will be coming back online later today, its the next one…

Labyrinths Questions

1.) My graphics and button designs aren’t showing up.:((( All I see are squares with x’s. You’ll need to login to your diary and go to customize and change the userdata.sorted/L/a/b to be userdata.sorted/l/a/b as I have decapitalized all the directory names. Unfortunately I had to do that because Windows is not case sensitive and…

w.bloggar support….

Errrrrmmmmmmm. Oooops. OK, so nobody tested that before we moved. It won’t work, the pages at DD to support it are all written in ASP.Net and will need to be changed. Give me a couple of days and I’ll get it back up for you Yetz… Also (and I knew about this already but I’ll…

I think…

Therefore I am? No, um, I think it’s all back up – DearDiary.Net that is, the forums, Hamipiks and OpenFiction are still down at the moment due to me only having one pair of hands 🙂 The DNS has not yet changed I am using the old server as a proxy front end for the…