Inability to login

An upgrade to the system broke the authentication system which DearDiary.Net uses and unfortunately took a lot longer to trace down than usual due to a complete lack of any error logging, coupled with a reboot attempt (which sometimes works but rarely!) totally failing because the server would not restart. The server restart issue has…

Notifies Stopped Again

Diary Notifications had stopped working again. I believe I have found the reason why and have put a temporary solution in place for now, which will hopefully see things for a few days until I can put a more permanent solution in. The permanent solution may well improve things with the Hotmail situation in the…

Test 123456789

Ahahaha, no that’s really the title of this one 🙂 Having discovered last night why the comments weren’t always showing up, I tweaked the database (it was a change I’d made to be clever after the move and to prevent me having to make LOTS of changes to code) back to how it should be…

Hamipiks Back Online

After much toing and froing (heh) they are now online. There is a strange quirk with the Reader Comments that means on occasions the comments aren’t showing up even though they are posted correctly and are in the database. If you see this happening, please send me the URL to the entry so I can…

Server Move

I remember now why I try very hard to avoid moving servers… Apologies for the down time. I received some distressing news regarding the previous server (notably the OS on which it was running was no longer being supported, and thus security updates and patches would not be coming out any longer) and was advised…