Glitch fixed.

Or should that be s..t fixed?

Anyway, I have fixed the bug that caused the problem in two places. It is now impossible to enter a blank email address via the front end screens, and its also impossible (in case anyone feels like getting clever and calling the thing directly) fixed the back end such that it will not accept blank email addresses when searching for users, since it doesn’t make much sense to return these to anyone anyway!

Again, I apologise. This should never have happened and it should never happen again…

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  1. well, just so you know ~ it affected a private diary I share with some friends – and no one knows my personal email addy – so the chances this is someone playing games is doubtful but hey, i have been known to be wayyy wrong!


    hope the glitch gets fixed soon.

  2. Whoever/whatever is doing it, it was persistant. I’m glad I checked in here first; I was ready to blame somebody from the message board I hang out on for playing a practical joke on me. Thanks, as always, for the update.

  3. All I know is I checked my mail, it told me I had a password change, I try logging in w/ the new one, it failed, checked the mail again, another password change, then another… I was ready to scream! Glad you’re all jumping on it & yeah, I thought someone was out to get me for a while too!

  4. Thanks for the update.

    I had already fired off an abuse e-mail, figuring three attempts to change my password were not a "quirk" but something intentional.

    I mean…it’s not like I even use my real registered e-mail address or post it on here.

  5. Christ, thank God I’m not the only one. I’ve got severe PMS coupled with some password changing emails and its all making me a bit…paranoid.

    Nail their asses to the wall, I say.

    Have a nice day.

  6. Yes, it’s really me, but…yada yada.

    Before you push them through the legal system, could you please be so kind as to drop them off at Miraclewhip’s account so my Mortal Kombat guy can kick the crap out of them first?

    THIRTEEEN UNWANTED PASSWORD CHANGES!! I guess I’m a bit of a password-changers magnet. 😉 Some accounts got hit multiple times, so I don’t even know which password is who as far as getting back to normal.

    Anyway TRY TO ENJOY your houseguests, it will all get straightened out I’m sure, and justice will prevail. (If it turns out to be a systems glitch, please disregard the MortalKombat request.)

  7. Hey, guys… I sent you some email yesterday about a couple problems I’m having. Did you get it? One of the problems I first emailed you about months ago, but never received any reply from you. Let me know if you didn’t get the email for some reason yesterday. Thanks, Candle.

  8. Apparently, the new passwords "took" for some accounts, while for other accounts the old passwords were never affected in spite of the "change". I’m also seeing on some of the diaries here that it wasn’t just three hits (or multiples of three) that some people got; one DD person got 13 notifications, while one of the people on my board got five notifications.

  9. I’m jealous actually. I’m new to DD and didn’t have my email set up. I’d love to get an email with my password in it…just so I can access my diary 🙂

    Until then…I’ll just keep reading everyone else’s 😛

    A Quiet Evening

  10. I am glad to have learned that it was a glitch. I am quite surprised that this didn’t happen sooner, considering how easy it was for this person to (unintentionally?) reset all those passwords. I can, however, understand how the original programmer could have overlooked that in the first place.

  11. ok
    quick question
    i’ve requested a new password to the account magster because i can not get into it

    the password that i have doesn’t work
    and it never sent me a password change

    and in the reply, i wasn’t given a new password

    do i bug ya again? with another email for that account?

    wassup with all this

    Love and God Bless You,

  12. I say all 1000 users who got pestered by the e-mails should get a free year of DearDiary’s ‘Supreme’ service. I mean, my god, one of us could’ve had a heart attack or something, thinking someone was trying to stalk us! Ok, ok, it’s a stretch, but you can’t blame me for trying…

  13. Don’t worry about it big guy. Just the fact that it was a glitch is a relief, and I’m sure there’ll be very few of them to worry about here.

  14. although i accept your very emphatic apology and realise this was not your fault i am deleting my account. i know this probably will never happen again but what if there are other loopholes? i can’t take that risk.

  15. I still have faith in DD!!! 🙂 I still think DD runs 10000% than Live Journal ever could dream to. This is my second diary account and I have never had any reason to make me want to move from here. 🙂

  16. Don’t feel embarrassed. It’s a system thing. Personally, I’m glad it was a glitch, rather than someone’s lame attempt at causing chaos.

    No harm done, and with the exception of panicking a little bit, everything’s turned out just fine!

    Thanks for the helpful and polite email you sent after I contacted you in a frenzy!

  17. I’m glad I didn’t panic! I was one of the 1000 people–but really–it was no biggie. You shouldn’t feel so bad about the error. EVERYONE makes mistakes! I’m grateful that you figured out the problem so quickly.

    You guys are AWESOME.

    Thank you for all that you do for us.



  18. *~DearDiary~*

    Whooo hoooo!!! Good job!!!! Yay!!! Thanx SO much for taking time out of your life and fixing this, I kinda freaked when I got all the new password e-mails, it was scary, I thought someone WAS playing games, I was like NO!!!! GRRRR!!! Lol, but thanx for fixing the glitch in the system!


  19. Some people forget that programs are written by mere mortals… or maybe they’re just paranoid…
    I was one of the 1000 – no probs – just thanx for getting on the case and sorting it.

  20. hhhherr, herrr, heerrr. ( beavis and Butthead kind of laugh ) Good one guys, do it again, go on! Herrer hererrr herrrrr , funny !! I don’t care, you guys rock , herrrr, h herrr herr!!!!!

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